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Medical Records Request
SkinScience outsources our release of information process to ShareCare.
Online Patient Request Tool
If you are our patient and would like to request your medical records, please click on the link below to complete your request for medical records. You will be required to provide a valid email address and a government-issued ID.
Click below to submit a request for medical records
ShareCare FAQs
When will my online medical record request be ready?
Your records will be ready in 5-7 business days from the receipt of your electronic request.
How do I check the status of my request?
Go to https://recordstatus.sharecare.com
How do I pay for my records and/or radiology images?
Go to: https://payonline.hds.sharecare.com/#!/patients
How do I contact Customer Service?
You may call: 858-244-1811